Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Can You At Least Get Out of the &$%#&*^ Car?

Yes, yes we many listings, so little time. You're just a super important busy guy and all. I mean, who has time to get out of the fracking car to take a photo of $8-million listings anymore? At least crop out the mirror with some $2 software will ya? LOL.


Anonymous said...

Not only the mirror, about that tree? Why wasn't the photo taken from the sidewalk in the picture.

from f-chat

Anonymous said...

Ha ha that's funny. Nothing says "I'm lazy" more than a 30mph drive by!! Care to tell us who the agent is?

Love the blog by the way. Excellent job!


Anonymous said...

Haha Anthony. Nice catch. I cannot believe some people will turn their properties over to agents who are too lazy to even take a proper photo.

Nice blog keep it up!

DMW, Philadelphia